760 US Hwy 1, Suite 203, North Palm Beach, FL 33408 | (561) 630-6800

Question: Why should I get my varicose veins treated? Answer: This is a question that even your primary care doctor may not be able to answer. Many of our patients tell me that their doctor advises “if they don’t bother you, don’t bother them.” The fact is that...

Question: I have very severe bulging veins in both of my legs. My doctor told me to just wear support stockings because there is no treatment, and no reason to try treating this condition. Is this correct? Answer: There are many misconceptions about vein disease, and unfortunately many...

Question: My father has bad veins. Am I going to get that as well? Answer: A recent article in The Journal of Venous Disease discussed this very topic. Venous disease ranges in severity from minor cosmetic concerns to the very severe blood flow changes that result in ulceration...

Question: I used to dance. Now my legs are swollen, itchy, discolored, and heavy. My doctor says its just part of the aging process. I don’t have varicose veins, so what can I do? Answer: Believe it or not, venous disease is the most common medical condition on...

Question: My doctor told me not to worry about my leg pain and edema. He said there is no treatment except vein stripping. What should I do? Answer: Most doctors are not aware of the risks involved with venous problems. As we age, leg veins can...

Answer: This is a question that even your primary care doctor may not be able to answer. Many of our patients tell me that their doctor advises “if they don’t bother you, don’t bother them.” They tell them that it’s a natural process of aging and cannot...

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